------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Venetian, descendant of a dynasty of doctors, chemists and pharmacists for five generations, I had the opportunity, since my youth, to also live the scientific spirit of the family’s chemical-pharmaceutical group, Gruppo Zambon, and the simplicity of another great family tradition: the love for nature, earth and the agricultural world. ---Actually, I grew up among the grape vines’ agricultural farm in the hills of Vicenza where my parents brought me to live. Here, since I was a boy, among farmers and farm animals, I was fascinated by the alchemy of vine production and the medicine of simple folk. I tried to understand the secrets of medicinal herbs prepared by old farmers according to the tradition of “folk medicine”. I have always been sensitive to the stories of the elderly on their use of popular medicine. I was fascinated by their capacity to instinctively identify, in spite of their ignorance in diagnosing and in medical therapy, good natural remedies: there was always one available and immediately efficient. “Nature always expresses itself: you only need to know how to understand it and observe it with humility... ... as I was told as a medical student, but I was over enthusiastic with a hunger to learn the great scientific theories. These strong memories and this apparent contrast between science and nature , had a great deal of influence on the evolution of my professional life. |