Colds, flues, H1N1, epidemic, pandemic,
can we avoid the fight? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Ah yes, you would think we were almost in times of war... Everyone follows the advice given in order to fight the enemy (they wash their hands several times a day, wear masks, vaccinate themselves...) but can we not avoid it or make it less “severe”? A40 DEFENSES NATURELLES acts directly at cellular level, nourishing the cell and increasing it’s ability to defend itself. Excellent, don’t you think? This means: multiplying our weapons. ---But over and above this, and thanks to Orodietology®, the Dencetril® complex fully loads our weapons with ammunition, simultaneously stimulating the immune system, allowing it to develop and combat viral and bacterial attacks. DOWN WITH PANDEMIES... ! ---Finally the Orobioavailability of Orogranules®, which gradually dissolve in the mouth, A40 Défenses Naturelles for adults or M15 Défense Junior for children, favors immediate assimilation of active ingredients, bypassing the stomach, a pledge of more speed, more efficiency, more security in acting on the complexity of the... battle.
------------------------2 Orogranules® to suck 2 times a day. ------------A great victory in perspective, don’t you think? |