---Through this Web site, you are about to enter a new world: the world of Orodietology®.
---Orodietology® (The prefix “Oro” comes from Os, oris -“mouth” in latin) is the name that the international Scientific Community has given to this new science that is revolutionizing the universe of natural health. ---This exclusive discovery, patented on a world level, is the result of work by the Research and development teams that have had the pleasure of conducting this research during these past 20 years. ---This new discipline has already produced numerous major scientific proofs both at a pre-clinical as well a clinical level and has been recognized and confirmed by the International Medical Congress. In order to get to these results, over the years we have benefited of the collaboration, experience and competence of Medical and Pharmacist Colleagues of the Department of Medicine and Pharmacy at the Universitiesy of Marsiglia, Montpellier, Milan and Padova. ---Today I can say that I’m proud to sign our natural creations and treatments of Orodietology® |